
Salome: The Image of a Woman Who Never Was

Title: Salome: The Image of a Woman Who Never Was; Salome: Nymph, Seducer, Destroyer
Published by: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Release Date: August 2013
Contributors: Rosina Neginsky
ISBN13: 978-1-4438-4621-9
ASIN: B011820WJW
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Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Although the root of the Hebrew name “Salome” is “peaceful”, the image spawned by the most famous woman to carry that name has been anything but peaceful. She and her story have long been linked to the beheading of John the Baptist, as described in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, since Salome was the supposed catalyst for the prophet’s execution.
This history of the myth of Salome describes the process by which that myth was created, the roles that art, literature, theology and music played in that creation, and how Salome’s image as evil varied from one period to another according to the prevailing cultural myths surrounding women. After setting forth the Biblical and historical origins of the Salome story, the book examines the major cultural, literary and artistic works which developed and propagated it, including those by Filippo Lippi, Rogier van der Weyden, Titian, Moreau, Beardsley, Mallarmé, Wilde and Richard Strauss.

Саломея. Образ роковой женщины, которой не было (Russian Edition)

Title: Саломея. Образ роковой женщины, которой не было
Published by: Новое Литературное Обозрение
Release Date: October 2018
Contributors: Rosina Neginsky
ISBN13: 9785444810347
Book review: Библейская Femme Fatale
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Имя Саломеи, пленившей своим танцем царя Ирода и в награду попросившей голову Иоанна Крестителя, в переводе на русский язык означает «мирный», «спокойный», что никак не совпадает с многовековой репутацией этой роковой женщины. В книге Нежинской прослеживаются история возникновения мифа о Саломее и трансформации ее образа, а также становление и изменение отношения к этому новозаветному персонажу в различные эпохи в зависимости от господствующих в обществе представлений о гендерных ролях. Материалом этого богато иллюстрированного исследования стали работы таких художников, как Филиппо Липпи, ван дер Вейден, Тициан, Моро и Бёрдслей, а также произведения Малларме, Уайльда и Рихарда Штрауса. Розина Нежинская — профессор Иллинойского университета, США, преподает литературу и историю искусств, автор книги «Zinaida Vengerova: In Search of Beauty. A Literary Ambassador Between East and West», а также нескольких сборников стихов.

Book Cover: Zinaida Vengerova

Zinaida Vengerova–In Search of Beauty: A Literary Ambassador Between East and West

Title: Zinaida Vengerova–In Search of Beauty: A Literary Ambassador Between East and West
Published by: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Release Date: 2nd edition, January 2006
Contributors: Rosina Neginsky
ISBN13: 978-3631547229
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Barnes & Noble

In this book, Zinaida Afanasievna Vengerova, a once famous literary critic, whose importance for the turn of the century European intellectual world is no longer sufficiently appreciated, receives her first full length systematic study. Her intellectual exploration at the turn of the 19th century brought her into contact with Symbolist ideas from several European countries, and she used her profound understanding of these different currents of Symbolism to fashion for herself an ambassadorial role between Western Europe and Russia. In many critical studies she introduced the Russian intellectual world to a wide spectrum of Western European literature, art and thought, including Baudelaire, Maeterlinck, and the French Symbolist poets, Pre-Raphaelite and Expressionist art, and the thought of Nietzsche.
As a regular contributor to the Mercure de France in Paris and the Fortnightly Review in London, she acquainted Western audiences with Chekhov and other fin-de-siècle Russian writers. Vengerova was instrumental in developing a theory of Symbolism, especially as it came to be understood in Russia. This book examines her life and work, and the intellectual milieu in which she lived; and serves as a window on Western European and Russian cultural history from the fin-de-siècle through the pre-war period and into the age of Russian émigrés of the 1920s and 1930s.