

Rosina Neginsky comes from a cultural and linguistic background that comprises her in-depth knowledge of three languages and three cultures: Russian, French, and English. She teaches art history and comparative literature at the University of Illinois in the US. She was born in Saint-Petersburg, studied literature and art in Paris where she grew up, and did her PhD in literature in the United States. She is the author of a bilingual book of poetry in Russian and English, Juggler (2009), and of a book of poetry in French and English, In the Garden of Luxembourg (2015). She published some of her poems in a variety of literary magazines and anthologies such as Quiddity, Austin International Poetry Festival anthology, White Oak Press, The Halcyone Literary Review, and a few other. She is also a literary and art scholar and the author of Salome: The Image of a Woman Who Never Was (2013, 2018).

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