Selected Poetry Readings
• 18 June 2016, Poetry reading from In The Garden of Luxembourg and new poems, l’Harmattan’s bookstore, Paris, France
• May 2015, Reading from my forthcoming novel, Hyde Park Players, Chicago, Illinois
• April 2013, Poetry reading, Hyde Park Players, Chicago, Illinois
• April 2013, Poetry reading from my poetry book In the Garden of Luxembourg, State Library,Springfield, IL
• June 2013, Librairie du Globe, Paris, France.
• April 2011, Poetry reading, University of Chicago Faculty club, Chicago, Illinois.
• October 2010, the same as below, Paris, France.
• October 2010, Poetry reading from Juggler, University of Chicago book store, Chicago, Illinois.
• April 2010, Poetry reading from Juggler, at the Society of Midland Authors event, Chicago, Illinois.