Read Translation
- Rosina Neginsky, Salome: The Image of a Woman Who Never Was, for the publication by Garnier (University of Paris IV) Press, Paris, (to be published in 2022, from English into French)
- Nora Bukhs, “Nabokov I psychiatria: Sluchai Luzhina,” into “Nabokov and Psychiatry: The Case of Luzhin,” in Mental Illnesses in Symbolism, ed. Rosina Neginsky, CSP, 2017 (from Russian into English)
- Olga Skonechnaya, “Le discours paranoidal russe” into “Russian Paranoid Discourse,” Mental Illnesses in Symbolism, CSP, 2017 (from French into English)
- Rosina Neginsky, “Inconscient et Clandestinité:L’expression du ‘Chaos’ soutterrain dans la peinture de Vroubel” into “The Hidden World of the Unconscious: Expressions of Underground Chaos in the Work of Mikhail Vrubel,” Mental Illness in Symbolism, Newcastle upon Tyne: CSP, 2017 (from French into English)
- Rosina Neginsky, “In the Garden of Luxembourg,” “Island” in the collection of poetry In the Garden of Luxembourg, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015 (two poems from English into French)
- Rosina Neginsky, Juggler, New Orleans: University Press of the South, 2009 (a poetry translation from Russian into English)
- Zinaida Vengerova, “Feminism I zhenskaya svoboda” into “Feminism and Women’s Freedom,” 2000, Russian Women Writers (from Russian into English)